French soft wheat exports outside the EU on rise
The forecast for 2022-23 soft wheat exports from France outside the European Union has continued to climb to 10.6 million tonnes, 21% more than last year, on strong demand from North Africa, Reuters reported, citing farm office FranceAgriMer.
U.S. flour production falls to seven-year low in 2019
Wheat flour production by U.S. flour mills in 2019 totaled 422.277 million cwts, down 4.594 million cwts, or 1.1%, from the record 426.871 million cwts in 2018 and the smallest aggregate in seven years, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Grain market review: Coarse grains
Concerns over the world economy and its effect on demand, and spillover from declines in wheat, pushed prices for maize lower in December. Worries over potential problems with shipments through the Black Sea are still in traders’ minds, while China’s COVID problems remain a threat to demand.
National Foods mill on track for commissioning in 2023
National Foods Holdings Ltd., a manufacturer of branded food and feed, is on track to start operations at a new mill in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, in early 2023, said Todd Moyo, chairman of the company.
Satellite images reveal plentiful Ukraine crop
Ukraine farmers in 2022 harvested fewer tonnes of wheat than in the record-setting previous crop year, but close to the recent five-year average volume, according to analysis of satellite imagery by NASA Harvest
Brazil expecting record 2022-23 corn crop
– Brazil’s corn production in marketing year 2022-23 is forecast to reach a record 126 million tonnes based on the growing demand and price for corn in both the domestic and international market, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).
Global grain trade review
The grains market has moved this year from handling an unprecedented worldwide pandemic to dealing with a war involving two of the planet’s biggest exporting nations. At the same time, as always, the fundamentals of supply and demand continue to exert their influence.
China’s soybean imports hit the lowest level since 2014
China’s soybean imports hit their lowest level for any month since 2014 this October, according to customs data, Reuters reported.
Russia suspends participation in grain deal
Despite Russia proclaiming that it has suspended its participation in the United Nations-brokered grain export deal with Ukraine, grain ships continued to exit Ukraine’s Black Sea ports on Oct. 31, according to various media reports
Argentine wheat crop projections continue to fall.
Drought-stricken Argentina’s 2022-23 wheat crop projections continue to trend downward as the country’s two major grain exchanges cut their forecasts on Oct. 13, according to Reuters.