Russia may abolish grain export quota

Russia, the world’s largest wheat exporter, is considering abolishing its grain export quota

Companies betting on plant-based protein

With 52% of global consumers identifying as flexitarians (incorporating both animal-based and plant-based proteins into their diet), according to a Mintel market research report, oilseeds and legumes processors stand to benefit from this shift toward alternative protein sources. Of those consumers, nearly two-thirds are defining their eating styles as “trying to consume more plant-based foods,” leading to expanded protein options and fueling overall demand for plant-based proteins.

Market for organic products must be nurtured

While still accounting for only a modest share of grain-based foods in the United States, the market for organic products has been highly dynamic and must be nurtured and protected. Amid costly episodes of fraud over the last decade and longer, the need for the US Department of Agriculture to strengthen the National Organic Program (NOP) had become apparent.

Grain market review: Coarse grains

Concerns over the world economy and its effect on demand, and spillover from declines in wheat, pushed prices for maize lower in December. Worries over potential problems with shipments through the Black Sea are still in traders’ minds, while China’s COVID problems remain a threat to demand.

National Foods mill on track for commissioning in 2023

National Foods Holdings Ltd., a manufacturer of branded food and feed, is on track to start operations at a new mill in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, in early 2023, said Todd Moyo, chairman of the company.

Satellite images reveal plentiful Ukraine crop

Ukraine farmers in 2022 harvested fewer tonnes of wheat than in the record-setting previous crop year, but close to the recent five-year average volume, according to analysis of satellite imagery by NASA Harvest

Russia suspends participation in grain deal

Despite Russia proclaiming that it has suspended its participation in the United Nations-brokered grain export deal with Ukraine, grain ships continued to exit Ukraine’s Black Sea ports on Oct. 31, according to various media reports

Brazil on pace for record corn production, exports

Corn exports from Brazil have increased by 221% in the first half of 2022 as importers seek to replace Ukrainian corn that isn’t making it to market due to the ongoing war with Russia.

China expected to import less soybeans

Slower economic growth, high prices and COVID-related restrictions have lowered China’s soybean import expectations for 2021-22, according to a report from the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)

Grain market review: Wheat

World wheat markets are at their highest price levels since 2008 as reduced supplies, held back by the conflict in Ukraine, a move by India to limit shipments abroad, and the weather.